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December 4, 2013

Are you ready for adventure, magic and drug fuelled dragons? Come sit down with Kvothe and get consumed in his world. The blurb alone is enough to convince anyone to read this book; it pulls you in with the promise of all these great adventures yet at the opening of the book this legendary Kvothe is nowhere to be seen.

December 2, 2013

It's very rare to see a fantasy written in first person. The main character of The Name of the Wind narrates his past in first person. This first person narration gave the book a story-like feel (there are actually tons of folklore and myth stories told throughout the book, which I loved). 


October 29, 2013

As with everything in life there just never seems to be enough time to do everything we would like to. Between new tv shows, movies, comic books, and video games; sitting down and reading a book normally takes a backseat. I however, love to read and try and find time to read just for a few minutes each day. Patrick Rothfuss's "The Name of The Wind Day One" was a book that made everything take a backseat.

October 25, 2013

I’ve decided to forgo reading sci-fi for a stretch to try and broaden my horizons a bit. I’m moving into…fantasy! Not exactly an enormous genre leap, but now that I’ve finished A Song of Ice and Fire, I’m curious to see what other books are in the same realm that might catch my interest.


September 16, 2013

How do I start this review? There is no way to really bring across the epicness of this story. None. The Name of the Wind is a masterpiece of storytelling and a unique world filled with fantastic magical concepts and memorable characters that will stick with me for the rest of my life.

August 28, 2013

There are times in the life of a reader when you come across a book that re-awakens something deep within – times when the child inside comes to the surface, full of wonder and excitement. We’ve all (hopefully) experienced this.

August 27, 2013

Sometimes... I think something is wrong with me. Some days I think it would be sooo nice to read or watch something, say "well that was good," put it back on the shelf and move along.

July 27, 2013

This book is really, really good, guys. I might give it a high 4.5/5 on Goodreads, but since it's a 600 page beast, the feeling of giving it the full 5 stars because it makes it feel as if the time was even more worthwhile.

March 17, 2013

SFF fans sometimes have a tendency to oversell their favourite novels, to put it mildly, but the level of praise this book has gotten seemed excessive even by the standards of the genre- “masterpiece”, “the best novel I’ve ever read”, “a modern classic” are all accolades that fly thick and fast whenever Rothfuss’ name comes up. 

January 21, 2013

Although I don't read as much fantasy as I did when I was a teenager, I still enjoy being able to lose myself in other worlds now and again. Often I just return to the favourite books that are already on my shelves, but once in a while I take the plunge and try something new.

April 4, 2007

Because of all of the advance praise surrounding the novel, I’ve tried to refrain as much as possible from reading any reviews or related articles as I wanted to experience “The Name of the Wind” without any preconceptions. 


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